Friday, January 4, 2013

Project Summary and Reaction

Studying poverty throughout this semester has been an eye-opening experience. The prevalence of poverty around the world is astonishing. There are various factors that contribute to the increase of poverty, such as lack of education, unemployment, and hunger. As I conclude my research on poverty, I continue to be surprise by the information I find. The circumstances surrounding people living in poverty are very difficult and unimaginable to those who have not even come face-to-face with it.
For my project, I chose to analyze the connection between the level of someone's education and their economic status, especially if it is under the poverty line. I evaluated case studies and other relevant sources to come to a greater understanding about the topic. From these studies, I was able to draw conclusions from the information I found. 
As I have explained in previous posts, a person's level of education is crucial in determining their future economic status and their success in the job market. Within my research, I found that most of the people living in poverty today have been exposed to only a basic level of education. They could have dropped out of school or simply could not afford to attend a good school due to their economic background. I also found it interesting that a wide majority of beginning teachers start working in areas of high-poverty, which corroborates my other studies on the quality of education found poor, rural areas.
In my PowerPoint, I have also incorporated the types of jobs the people with limited education tend to have. In class, we learned that the most prestigious jobs require abstract thinking, a characteristic that people that have gone to college learn to develop. People living in poverty with a low level of education, therefore, have the least prestigious jobs.
I will continue to put my presentation together and discover new things about this complex topic.

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